This bag was made using the basic idea from the No Assembly Required Market Bag. I modified it to fit my desires to use it as a project tote. I added a button closure and an external pocket to hold my project notebook and hook case. I also lined it with fabric for stability and lengthened the straps (and moved them) to make it a shoulder bag. Its super bright, but was a good way to use up some yarn I may not have used for any other purpose! The best part about this bag is it cost me $0. The yarn was all inherited from a relative, the button too. The fabric lining is an old bed sheet that had gotten torn. My first project in a while that I didn't have to run to the craft store for any accessories!
Way to be resourceful! Looks great for a scrap project. The bed sheet is a good idea. I was thinking of using some old dress shirts for lining that aren't in good enough condition to donate. Nice job!
ReplyDeleteThat's a great idea too! I have heard about people lining project bags with denim also. I suppose leftover jeans would work just as good. This gives the bag stability since denim doesn't stretch and stays kind of stiff.
ReplyDeleteI'm so happy that my pattern has inspired so many. I've seen several different versions using my pattern as a base. Yours turned out great, and using up scraps is a good way to make these kinds of bags. Thanks for the "plug." Barbara Stuart